Activity Reward during, after, or both Perceived reward Perceived effort Reward / Effort ratio Perceived contribution Disguised as

Grading The Hierarchy Of Dopamine

Activity Name or short description of the activity.
Reward during, after, or both Does this activity make you feel good while you
engage in it, after, or both?

How do you feel when you start vs. when you finish this activity? Which part do you enjoy the most? | | Perceived reward | How much pleasure do you experience from this activity on a scale from 1 (little pleasure) to 5 (maximum pleasure)?

If you answered both in the previous column, rate this perceived reward based on which pleasure is stronger i.e. during or after.

Example: Fitness During - Perceived reward: 2 After - Perceived reward: 5

So we pick 5 for the perceived reward. | | Perceived effort | How much work must you invest in the activity to get your reward?

Again, focus on how it feels.

When you finally get your reward, how hard was that pleasure to get?

From 1 (little effort) to 5 (crazy effort). | | Reward / Effort ratio | This metric enables you to figure out the highest bidders in your hierarchy of dopamine.

Take a calculator or phone and put in the result of:

Perceived reward ÷ Perceived effort

(Perceived reward divided by Perceived effort)

of the activity in the same row.

Fractional numbers are expected :) | | Perceived contribution | Does this activity contribute to your vision of the perfect life? Does it bring you closer to your dreams?

If yes: Write “Good” If no: Write “Bad” | | Disguised as | Is it possible that this activity is not what it seems?

You can dig into emotions and logic here.

This column can stay empty |